
Licensing stock photos

All photos published in this blog are available for licensing. And so are most of my photos on Flickr. Please contact me for further information.

A few photos are licensed by Getty Images. You’ll find them here: Håkan Dahlström at Getty Images.

Free stock photos?

I have made quite a few photos available for free use under a Creative Commons license. Please just remember to give appropriate credit.

This is an example of a good attribution:

Licensing example MasterCard

MasterCard credit card by Håkan Dahlström / CC BY

Visit my Flickr Collection “Free to use” to find photos available under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) license.

Billing / Fakturering

For foreign clients I usually prefer payment via PayPal. Here is my PayPal profile.

For Swedish clients I use Cool Company for billing. För svenska kunder använder jag Cool Company för fakturering.


I will NOT license any photos to Russian clients or entities.